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Alchymist Grand HOtel and Spa

Once upon a time, Swiss International Airline carried a Seven Stars and Stripes reviewer team, this time from Zurich to Prague, where they landed on an unusually mild evening in February, their destination the ‘Alchymist Hotel and Spa’. As they left the welcoming arrival hall, a 1963 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud pulled up silently: “Now that car made a statement!” At the end of the 16th century, when Prague became the centre of occultism, many alchemists from all over Europe came to Prague to take advantage of the generous backing of the Imperial court. Rudolph II employed over two hundred alchemists in the hope of discovering the secret formula for converting basic metal to gold. Our domicile, the unreal beautiful ‘Alchymist’, could have easily been one of the homesteads of this eccentric Emperor or his court, considering his love for gold. Here, today, gold is once again dressing the historic walls of this oh so gracious storybook estate. Our Topas Gold Rimowa luggage, easily recognizable through its quality and style, fits this time especially not only through its color into these splendorous surroundings.
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